Single Name
Where is your surnameunusually popular?

maps places in
the UK where one(or two)
surnames have a historically
unusually high local population.
You can try it on your own, or add
your partner's or friend's too, and we'll
try and map any mutual location.
named is an alpha quality product -
we get it right for many kinds of
names, but likely very wrong
for others. Let us know
how it does with the
feedback buttons.
maps places in
the UK where one(or two)
surnames have a historically
unusually high local population.
You can try it on your own, or add
your partner's or friend's too, and we'll
try and map any mutual location.
named is an alpha quality product -
we get it right for many kinds of
names, but likely very wrong
for others. Let us know
how it does with the
feedback buttons.

Where we thinkyou might have met
Their Surname